December 31, 2017

Collecting Resolutions for 2018

It is 2018!
Let’s celebrate collecting this year! And, let’s be thankful too! We are lucky to have this hobby.

My resolutions:

*Know that all collecting is cool. We share the same kink in the brain, an extra bundle of neurons that keeps us in hunt mode. Put another way, we muse about coins, tokens, and all that is small and round.

I will chase after relics, talismans, ships, and Jamestown pieces. But also, I will be kind to those who love the new and shiny – not everyone is a necromancer!

*Know that all collecting is a creative act. We are erecting skyscrapers. Put another way, we enjoy assembling sets that have our fingerprints all over them.

Quite simply, I will love the unloved.
A site celebrating New Beginnings.
Jamestown: 1608 Church,  Barracks, South Palisade.
And of course, Captain John Smith surveying the James.

*Know that all collecting is about meaning. We cope with a sometimes violent and unpredictable world by appreciating beauty and learning about the past. Put another way, we relish art and knowledge.

I will finish my book: Bent, Holed, & Folded: Coin Talismans for protection against misfortune and witchcraft in Colonial Jamestown. Then, I will start on something new: Old Sails, Talismans, … who knows?

*Know that all collecting is about sharing. Although we are master solitaire players, we dilate when others ask. Put another way, we enjoy the company of our collecting brethren.

This is a tough one for me, as I am such an introvert. Still, I will give at least one presentation this year; and I will attend more local coin club meetings. And of course, I will continue this blog.

I have put up a New Page from the BHF book: It is the Chapter on the Kings Touch Pieces that I profiled in a series of blog posts at the beginning of 2017. Check it out! The book is done but for one last edit and the addition of illustrations. It was 2.5 years of research and writing – whew! Yes, in some ways, I hate for it to be done.

Happy New Year to all that visit this blog.  Keep collecting!